When travelers return from Italy, the one thing they can all agree on is that Italian cuisine is simply outstanding. Everything from pasta, cheese, gelato, dolci (sweets) to bread and pizza, of course, taste other-worldly. What so many of us are impressed with is the Italian artisan tradition for handcrafting food with love, the exquisite attention for how beautifully the food is presented on the plate, and the time Italians take to sit and leisurely enjoy a meal.
So many of my fondest memories in Italy have centered around small groups of people slowly savoring a homemade meal. Food is an important part of everyday Italian life that symbolizes tradition and connection. Italians take pride in using fresh and locally sourced food and ingredients typically based on seasonal offerings.
As opposed to the fast-food style of life prevalent throughout much of the U.S., the farm-to-table culinary approach in Tuscany is quite evident. In fact, the ‘Slow Food Movement’ was sparked in Italy in the 1980s as a protest against a McDonald’s that was proposed near the historic Spanish Steps in Rome. The movement’s “...initial aim was to defend regional traditions, good food, gastronomic pleasure and a slow pace of life.” (Read more here)
Our “Tuscany Yoga Retreat and Sightseeing Tour” is designed for our guests to explore the Italian countryside in a leisurely way. The tour affords guests the security and time-saving options of a planned schedule of events but also allows people to explore at their own pace, as desired.
At the splendiferous Villa Poggio di Gaville, our home base for the 7-day tour, we will be treated to warm hospitality by Jamal Amin (Chef Jamal), the villa proprietor and world-renowned chef. He takes a creative approach to Italian cuisine and will prepare all the meals on the tour (with just a few exceptions while we are out and about adventuring) from local and sustainable sources. Chef Jamal will also conduct a dinner cooking class that guests can eat and enjoy together.
Come join us for a transformative week as we mindfully nourish ourselves, practice yoga and meditation, and slowly meander into the Tuscany countryside to enjoy the sights, scenery and amazing food.
Please email vicky@spiritofitalytours.com with tour questions and how to register for this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Andiamo ~